Rev. Jeremiah Wright relates attacks to Black Churches

April 28, 2008 at 8:22 pm Leave a comment

By now, everyone has heard or seen something from Rev. Jeremiah Wright. He is all over the news giving speeches and sermons at various events. In fact, this guy is roaming around the country in the same manor that a promoter would do, but we will get to that in a minute.

In his speech at the National Press Club today, Rev. Wright said “…with the hope that this most recent attack on the black church is not an attack on Jeremiah Wright; it is an attack on the black church.” Apparently, Rev. Wright thinks the media’s attacks on his words of “God Damn America” and the various other interesting statements he has made throughout his years as Barack Obama’s pastor are now attacks on black churches.

I don’t think I ever heard an form of media show or quote Rev. Wright’s words and associated it with all black churches. The media did direct his comments and beliefs towards Obama, an American presidential hopeful, and that may not have been the fairest response. The media didn’t attack black churches, just Rev. Wright for hateful words towards America and racist comments.

Why would Reverend say this is an attack on black churches? Why does it always have to be about the entire black race? It is only about you, Reverend, and the fact that Obama has been a member of your congregation for a good number of years, and the American public worries that your distorted views of America may have rubbed off on Senator Obama.

This is another disappointing case where a leader is trying to create a somewhat small situation into a large issue by labeling it as a racial issue. By talking about black church and religious tradition, Wright is trying to divert attention from the real issue of his inappropriate comments and sermons. By crying racism when there is no racism causes more strain on real racial issues.

Okay, I said in the first paragraph I would talk more about the promoter-like actions of Rev. Wright. The fact that Rev. Wright is using the negative publicity and his connections with Obama for personal gain is just disgusting. No one has asked him to put all of these sermons and speeches in the public eye, but Reverend is taking full advantage of every chance to gain more publicity and popularity, be it good press or bad press.
He has also taken on such an arrogant attitude and demeanor, it is hard to believe anything he says as being more than self-promoting propaganda. If you saw the speech at the National Press Club, he really thought he was top dog and he looked like a boxer at a pre-fight press conference giggling and sneering and holding is arms in the air.

To end this long rant about such an absurd statement by Rev. Wright, I would like to encourage Reverand to keep talking, because he is shooting himself in the foot, and I believe the Clinton campaign should send Reverend some money for helping further Hillary’s campaign against Barack!

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Hello, average people of America!

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April 2008